Miquel Feixas Feixas | |
The lake of Banyoles |
"Light is the source of all excellence." Antoni Gaudí |
Departament d'Informàtica i Matemàtica
Aplicada (IMA)
Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge (GIlab) de l'Institut d'Informàtica i Aplicacions (IIiA)
Universitat de Girona (UdG)
Postal address: | Edifici P4, Campus Montilivi |
Universitat de Girona | |
17071 Girona (Spain) | |
Telephone: | +34-972418947 |
Fax: | +34-972418792 |
e-mail: | feixas[at]ima.udg.edu |
My work
I teach, as a member of the Departament
d'Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada, in the Escola
Politècnica Superior of the Universitat
de Girona (Catalonia/Spain).
My research is with the Graphics and Imaging Laboratory of the
d'Informàtica i Aplicacions (Universitat
de Girona).
This academic year I'm teaching Programming (Technical Engineering in Computer Science) and Scientific Visualization (Master In Computing).
My research is focused currently in the application of Information Theory to Global Illumination, Medical Imaging, Shape Recognition and Viewpoint Selection, Computational Aesthetics, and Visualization (Graphics and Imaging Laboratory).
PhD. Thesis Advised
Information-Theoretic refinement Criteria for image Synthesis.
Jaume Rigau
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2006.
Coadvised with Mateu Sbert.
PhD Dissertation
Information-Theory Framework for the Study of the Complexity of
Visibility and Radiosity in a Scene.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, december, 2002.
Advisor: Mateu Sbert.
Presentation slides (.ppt)
Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert, Francisco González
A Unified Information-Theoretic Framework for Viewpoint Selection and Mesh Saliency.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, to appear.
Pascual Castelló, Mateu Sbert, Miguel Chover, Miquel Feixas
Viewpoint-based Simplification using f-divergences.
Information Sciences, to appear.
Jaume Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert
Informational Aesthetics Measures.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 28, 2, pp. 24-34, March/April 2008.
Francisco González, Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas
Viewpoint-based Ambient Occlusion.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 28, 2, pp. 44-51, March/April 2008.
Francisco González García, Miquel Feixas and Mateu Sbert
View-based Shape Similarity using Mutual Information Spheres.
Eurographics'07 Short Paper, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Jaume Rigau, Miguel Chover, Ivan Viola
Applications of Information Theory to Computer Graphics.
Eurographics'07 Tutorial, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
Castelló,P., Sbert,M., Chover,M., Feixas,M
Viewpoint Entropy-Driven Simplification.
WSCG 2007, Full Papers Proceedings, Plzen, Czech Republic, 2007.
Jaume Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert
Conceptualizing Birkhoff's Aesthetic Measure Using Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.
Computational Aesthetics 2007, pp. 105-112, 2007.
Francisco González, Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas
An Information-Theoretic Ambient Occlusion.
Computational Aesthetics 2007, pp. 29-36, 2007.
Qing Xu, Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Jianfeng Zhang
AM-GM Difference Based Adaptive Sampling for Monte Carlo Global Illumination.
ICCSA 2007 (2), pp. 602-611, 2007.
Anton Bardera, Miquel Feixas, Imma Boada, Jaume Rigau, Mateu Sbert
Registration-Based Segmentation Using the Information Bottleneck Method.
IbPRIA 2007 (2), pp. 130-137, 2007.
Jaume Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert
A Generalised-Mutual-Information-Based Oracle for Hierarchical Radiosity.
ICCS 2007 (2), pp. 105-113, 2007.
F.Prados, I. Boada, M.Feixas, A.Prats, G.Blasco, S.Pedraza, J.Puig
DTIWeb: A Web-based Framework for DTI data Visualization and Processing.
ICCSA 2007, 2007.
I. Viola, M. Feixas, M. Sbert and E. Gröeller
Importance-Driven Focus of Attention.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 12, No. 5, September/October 2006.
A. Bardera, M. Feixas, I. Boada, J.Rigau and M. Sbert.
Medical Image Registration Based on BSP and Quad-tree Partitioning.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration 2006 (LNCS 4057), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2006.
A. Bardera, M. Feixas, I. Boada and M. Sbert.
High-Dimensional Normalized Mutual Information for Image Registration using Random Lines.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration 2006 (LNCS 4057), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2006.
A. Bardera, M. Feixas, I. Boada and M. Sbert.
Compression-based Image Registration.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2006, Seattle, USA, July 2006.
F. Prados, A. Bardera, M. Sbert, I. Boada and M. Feixas.
A Monte Carlo-based Fiber Tracking Algorithm using Diffusion Tensor MRI.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2006, Salt Lake City, USA, June 2006.
M. Sbert, J. Rigau, M. Feixas and László Neumann.
Systematic Sampling in Image-Synthesis.
Proceedings of ICCSA 2006 (LNCS 3980), Glasgow, UK, May 2006.
P. Castelló, M. Sbert, M. Chover, M. Feixas.
Techniques for Computing Viewpoint Entropy of a 3D Scene.
Proceedings of ICCS 2006 (LNCS 3992), Reading, UK, May 2006.
P-P. Vázquez, M. Feixas, M. Sbert and A. Llobet.
Realtime Automatic Selection of Good Molecular Views.
Computers & Graphics, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 98-110, February 2006.
A. Bardera, I. Boada, M. Feixas, S. Pedraza, J.
A Framework to Assist Acute Stroke Diagnosis.
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2005), Erlangen, 2005.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, M. Sbert.
An Information Theoretic Framework for Image Complexity.
Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Girona, 2005.
M.Sbert, D.Plemenos, M.Feixas, F.González.
Viewpoint quality: measures and applications.
Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Girona, 2005.
Anton Bardera, Miquel Feixas, Imma Boada, Mateu Sbert.
Medical Image Registration Based on Random Line Sampling
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005), Genoa, 2005.
J.Rigau, M.Feixas, M.Sbert.
Shape Complexity Based on Mutual Information.
IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, MIT, 2005.
D. Plemenos, M.Sbert and M. Feixas.
On Viewpoint Complexity of 3D Scenes.
STAR Report. GraphiCon'2004, Moscow, Russia, September 2004.
S.Pedraza, I. Boada, A.Bardera, M.Feixas, J.Méndez, J.Astarloa, A.Dávalos.
Development of a new coregistration method to assess the volume of ischemic penumbra.
XXIX Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Aachen, Germany, september-2004.
J.Rigau, M.Feixas, M.Sbert,
A.Bardera, I.Boada.
Medical Image Segmentation Based on Mutual Information
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Medical Image Computing
and Computed Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2004), Rennes-St Malo,
França, september-2004.
J.Rigau, M.Feixas, M.Sbert.
An Information Theoretic Framework for Image Segmentation.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP
2004), Singapur, República de Singapur, october-2004.
A. Bardera, M. Feixas, and I.
Normalized Similarity
Measures for Medical Image Registration.
SPIE, International Symposium in Medical Imaging, february-2004.
P.P. Vázquez, M. Feixas,
M. Sbert, and W. Heidrich.
Automatic View Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy and its
Application to Image-Based Modeling.
Computer Graphics Forum, desember-2003.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Refinement Criteria for Global Illumination using Convex
Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (Girona, Catalonia), october-2003.
M. Sbert, J. Rigau, M. Feixas,
and L. Neumann.
Systematic Sampling in Ray Tracing.
IVth IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, MCM 2003 (Berlin, Germany),
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Refinement Criteria Based on f-Divergences.
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003 (Leuven, Belgium), june-2003.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Entropy-Based Adaptive Sampling.
Graphics Interface 2003 (Halifax, Canada), june-2003.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Information-Theory-Based Oracles for Hierarchical Radiosity.
II International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
(CGGM'2003) in
the 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and Its
Applications (ICCSA 2003) (Montreal, Canada), may-2003.
M. Feixas, J. Rigau, P. Bekaert,
and M. Sbert.
Information-Theoretic Oracle
Based on Kernel Smoothness for Hierarchical Radiosity.
Short Presentations of Eurographics (Saarbrücken, Germany), pp.
325-333, 2002.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Entropy-Based Adaptive Supersampling.
The 13th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Poster Papers Proceedings
(Pisa, Italy), pp. 63-70, 2002.
P.P. Vázquez, M. Feixas,
M. Sbert, and A. Llobet.
Viewpoint Entropy: A New Tool for Obtaining Good Views for
VisSym '02 (Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization)
(Barcelona, Spain), 2002.
P.P. Vázquez, M. Feixas,
M. Sbert, and W. Heidrich.
Image-based Modeling Using Viewpoint Entropy.
Advances in Modeling, Animation and Rendering. Proceedings of CGI'02
(Bradford, UK), 2002.
Springer-Verlag London Limited, London, UK.
F. Castro, M. Feixas, and M.
Fuzzy Random Walk.
Advances in Modeling, Animation and Rendering. Proceedings of CGI'02
(Bradford, UK), 2002.
Springer-Verlag London Limited, London, UK.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
New Contrast Measures for Pixel Supersampling.
Advances in Modeling, Animation and Rendering. Proceedings of CGI'02
(Bradford, UK), pp. 439-451, 2002.
Springer-Verlag London Limited, London, UK.
M. Sbert, M. Feixas, J. Rigau,
F. Castro, and P.P. Vázquez.
of Information Theory to Computer Graphics.
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics and
Artificial Intelligence, 3IA'02 (Limoges, France), pp. 21-36, 2002.
P.P. Vázquez, M. Feixas,
M. Sbert, and W. Heidrich.
Viewpoint Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy.
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2001 (Stuttgart, Germany), pp.
273-280, 2001.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, P. Bekaert,
and M. Sbert.
View-Dependent Information Theory Measures for Pixel Sampling
and Scene Discretization in Flatland.
Spring Conference on Computer Graphics'01 (Budmerice, Slovak Republic),
pp. 231-238, 2001.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Visibility Complexity of Animation in Flatland.
Winter School on Computer Graphics and CAD Systems'01, (Plzen, Czech
Republic), 2:352-359, 2001.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Visibility Complexity of a Region in Flatland.
Short Presentations (Eurographics'00, Interlaken, Switzerland), pp.
159-163, 2000.
M. Feixas, E. Acebo, P. Bekaert,
and M. Sbert.
Theory Tools for Scene Discretization.
Rendering Techniques'99 (Proceedings of the 10th Eurographics Workshop
on Rendering, Granada, Spain), Springer Computer Science, pp. 103-114,
M.Feixas, E. Acebo, P. Bekaert,
and M. Sbert.
Information Theory Framework for the Analysis of Scene Complexity.
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics'99 Proceedings, Milan, Italy),
18(3):95-106, 1999.
M. Feixas, E. Acebo, and M.
of Scene Visibility.
Winter School on Computer Graphics and CAD Systems'99 (Plzen, Czech
Republic), 1999.
E. Acebo, M.Feixas, and M.
Form Factors and Information Theory.
3IA'98 (Limoges, France), 1998.
Research Reports
M. Feixas, J. Rigau, and M.
Scene Visibility Complexity and Discretisation in Flatland.
IIiA-02-12-RR, Institut d'Informàtica i Aplicacions, Universitat
de Girona (Girona, Spain), 2002.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Information Theory Point Measures in a Scene.
IIiA-00-08-RR, Institut d'Informàtica i Aplicacions, Universitat
de Girona (Girona, Spain), 2000.
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, and M.
Scene Visibility Complexity in Flatland.
IIiA-00-03-RR, Institut d'Informàtica i Aplicacions, Universitat
de Girona (Girona, Spain), 2000.
Information Theory:
IEEE Information Theory Society http://www.itsoc.org/
Santa Fe Institute: http://www.santafe.edu
Quantum Information/Computation:
Oxford Quantum Information: http://www.qubit.org
arXiv: http://es.arXiv.org
Secció d'astronomia del CE de Banyoles: http://www.astrobanyoles.org
Porto Alegre Forum: http://www.portoalegre2003.org/publique
Defending human rights worldwide: http://www.hrw.org
Remember Bhopal: http://www.bhopal.org